How can I Help?
It costs about $2,000 to support a father through the entire six-month program.
Let’s face it. Fathers impact children’s lives – for good and sadly sometimes for bad. The Center strives to ensure that fathers make a long lasting, positive impact in the lives of their children. However, we can not do it alone; your financial support enables continuation of services. Every dollar helps to support more than 1200 fathers served annually through strategic initiatives at the Center and six local fatherhood programs in eleven sites. We provide numerous services under one roof so that fathers don’t waste time traveling from agency to agency. All services are focused on guiding fathers toward resources and information which will enable them to provide for their children financially, emotionally and spiritually increasing the potential for them to grow into responsible adults. Your gift at any level will make a difference in the lives of fathers, and, equally important, in the lives of children.
Philanthropy directly influences program services, awareness and advocacy. Provision of much-needed services is fueled by philanthropic gifts and bridges the gap between delivery costs and discernable positive impacts for sincere, yet, struggling fathers. Please consider making a gift to one of the Center’s Strategic Initiatives or a Local Fatherhood Program.
Click here to donate through our secure website or please call the Center at 803-227-8800 or mail your donation to: SC Center for Fathers and Families, 2711 Middleburg Drive, Suite 111, Columbia, SC 29204